“We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.” ~ Albert Schweitzer
Today’s word of thankfulness – Technology
I must admit I have a love-hate relationship with technology. So often it is so frustrating or it invades my space and life. But as I was setting on a zoom bible study this morning, sharing thoughts on Psalm 111, it reminded me that without technology none of this would be possible. As disconnected as we feel right now because of the pandemic can you imagine if we had no technology? No zoom calls to family, no texting a friend, no Facebook, Twitter, or all the other means we have to stay connected. While technology can and often is a source of stress, it also provides a powerful way to stay connected. So today I am thankful for technology.
What are you thankful for today – share a word or image in the comment section below.
Have a blessed day and stay connected.