Who We Are
We are a caring community of Christ followers who welcome all, no matter where you are on your journey of faith. We cherish our time together – greeting one another, passing the peace, and celebrating each other’s company as we gather to worship our God. You are welcome to participate in worship at your own comfort level. Sing your heart out or simply nod your head to the beat; pray with your hands raised or resting at your sides; wear jeans or dress to impress. No matter how you show up, we’re glad you came! On your way home, feel free to take a gift from our welcome center, on the shelf just outside the sanctuary. You are also more than welcome to join us in the fellowship hall after each service for coffee, snacks, and conversation.
The Lord’s Supper is God’s meal and we are the invited guests. We believe in an open table which means you are invited to come and receive from God what God has promised. We believe that Jesus is truly present in the bread and wine even though the bread and wine does not actually change. Through our trust in Jesus’ words “This is my body and this is my blood”, we receive the forgiveness of our sin and new life in Jesus. We leave it up to the parents if their child(ren) should receive; if they choose not to, they are invited to come forward for the Pastor’s blessing.
Hope serves communion every Sunday at 8:30 a.m. worship and 10:30 worship.
Baptism is the individual entering into the life of Christ, through dying in the water and being raised by God to a new life. Baptism is also entering into the Christian community. We believe baptism is God’s work in us and not work we do to please or win God’s love. We do not baptize into Hope or even the Lutheran Church, but into the Christian community wherever it is found. We recognize all Christian baptism and welcome individuals from all backgrounds.